Why SheraSeven’s Prenup Strategy is a Risky Game

Legal “advice” from a Dunning-Kruger sufferer

Rebound Kings
2 min readJul 7, 2024

SheraSeven, a controversial figure in the online relationship advice community and her trademark , made a rather interesting assertion. She insists that prenuptial agreements can be nullified by intentionally getting drugged and drunk prior to signing it, and then posting proof of this state to social media.


Here’s the deal: SheraSeven claims that if you can show you were not in a sound state of mind when you signed the prenup, it can be voided. She suggests getting visibly intoxicated, ensuring there’s photographic or video evidence, and then signing the agreement. On the surface, it sounds like an escape route for women looking to protect themselves from unfair prenups. But let’s dig deeper.

Ladies, this is playing a dangerous game. First of all, intentionally impairing yourself and broadcasting it online is a huge risk. You’re opening yourself up to a world of legal and personal trouble. Lawyers and judges aren’t fools — they can see through manipulative tactics. Plus, broadcasting your state of intoxication might backfire, portraying you as reckless and untrustworthy.

In fact, case studies from law school have shown that such strategies often fail. The first ever case many law students read, Lucy v. Zehmer, makes it pretty clear that you can’t use intoxication and “I didn’t really mean it” to…



Rebound Kings

Passport Bro life coach, aviation enthusiast, pilot, AI researcher.